Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Vintage, Antiques, Collecting, Hobbies. Etsy, Decorating, Decor. Home, Living, Design, Recycling, and Education on vintage collectibles! Day to day conversations, sometimes with guests about what's hot and trendy to collect in the vintage antiques world. Living a Vintage Life gives ideas on what to collect, where to find it, and how to live a greener life by recycling antiques. Find my vintage on Etsy at https://RetroChalet.etsy.com use code Retro10 to save 10%
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Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Victorian Homes and Haunted Houses
For the love of all things Victorian! This episode discusses vintage Victorian era homes and all things spooky about them. I grew up in a late 1800s farmhouse and later bought my first home that was built in 1927 and haunted. Now I share proof in the pudding that other Victorian homes have been haunted too, and why the romance and love for them exists. For the Ghostbusters article in question in the podcast, go here: Old House Calling.
Maybe you will look at the old house on the hill in a different sorta way.
Connect with me at RetroChalet on Etsy.
Kind of funny the spooky episode is our 13th episode.
Thanks so much for tuning in! Living a Vintage Life is about all things vintage, from buying to selling, foraging natural food sources, making your own cosmetics, living in the old ways! To support this podcast, you can share it and leave it a five star review! Shop my Etsy store RETROCHALET and use code RETRO10 for 10% off your purchase. I offer free shipping over 35$ and you can get there by clicking this link.