Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life

Maine Country Cabin Primitives Top Ten Decorating Ideas

Cindy Fahnestock-Schafer Season 1 Episode 10

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For this episode I went off grid to the backwoods of Maine. What’s more of a Northern Exposure than exploring the top ten vintage decorating items for collecting or use in your cabin or country home? I obtained these ideas from my own cabin in eas from my time in Danforth, Maine, and have posted a lot of great photos on my TikTok and Instagram. I hope you will enjoy them. 

Top Ten Primitives / Cabin Décor, and I’ve added them to a special list on Etsy so now you can go and look!  Click on my name in my Etsy Shop, and go to my Favorites List which I’ve compiled under “Podcast Maine Woods Décor”  and you’ll see what I’m talking about! Or cut and paste this:


1.        Repurposed and Upcycled Wood Signs and Furniture  - Listen to my ideas and why. 

2.       Old Tool Caddies, Totes or Tool Boxes

3.       Galvanized Metal Minnow Buckets

4.       Wicker Fishing Baskets, Creel Baskets

5.       Wooden Stepstools, Kid’s Stools

Shout out to Shafollo, on Etsy and Amazon, who sponsored this podcast. They empower Bangladeshi women who have chosen to do handicrafts to rise above their economic conditions.  

6.       Vintage License Plates Ideas for Crafting and Décor.

7.       Vintage Fishing Maps

8.       Buoys

9.       Old Stoneware Crocks

10.   Nature Shed / Repurposed Natural Components

Hope you enjoy my top ten countrify-up your life ideas. Thanks for listening.  Make sure to check out my Instagram and tiktok for my wonderful photos of Maine.

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