Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Vintage, Antiques, Collecting, Hobbies. Etsy, Decorating, Decor. Home, Living, Design, Recycling, and Education on vintage collectibles! Day to day conversations, sometimes with guests about what's hot and trendy to collect in the vintage antiques world. Living a Vintage Life gives ideas on what to collect, where to find it, and how to live a greener life by recycling antiques. Find my vintage on Etsy at
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Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Vintage Ephemera Scrapbooking Journaling Grimoire for the Soul Art Heals
How journaling and scrapbooking are a wonderful way to help heal your mind during difficult times. Easy ideas to start with zero budget. Incorporate nature into your journal. Use an old book! How it helped me during a rough time this past year. Some Ideas for collage and journaling and grimoire creating. Grab a scrapbook pack at use code RETRO10 to save 10%
This podcast is dedicated to my dear friend and co Host Ed. May his road rise to meet him with recovery and healing, and of course, great flea markets along the way. <3