Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Vintage, Antiques, Collecting, Hobbies. Etsy, Decorating, Decor. Home, Living, Design, Recycling, and Education on vintage collectibles! Day to day conversations, sometimes with guests about what's hot and trendy to collect in the vintage antiques world. Living a Vintage Life gives ideas on what to collect, where to find it, and how to live a greener life by recycling antiques. Find my vintage on Etsy at
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Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Why Are My Etsy Shop Sales Down (The Answers)
I have been getting a lot of messages about Etsy sales being low, and in response to my previous podcasts I'm explaining the factors as to why. In the meantime, stay vintage and stay wonderful.
For great vintage, Visit my Friend: MettlesomeMeans | Etsy
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I also have a Paranormal Podcast! Check it out.
and these I don't use that much: