Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Vintage, Antiques, Collecting, Hobbies. Etsy, Decorating, Decor. Home, Living, Design, Recycling, and Education on vintage collectibles! Day to day conversations, sometimes with guests about what's hot and trendy to collect in the vintage antiques world. Living a Vintage Life gives ideas on what to collect, where to find it, and how to live a greener life by recycling antiques. Please also check out my White Witch Magazine Podcast on all major platforms!
Retro Chalet : Living A Vintage Life
Vintage Books: Save them from Extinction
For the love of old books, I love them and am giving you some ideas on what books to look for, which to covet and how to use them.
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On my other podcasts: Paranormal Chalet and Nature Chalet
Shop RetroChalet for the coolest vintage finds. I also run the Melmac Central website where you can learn about cool vintage plastics.
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